How to Tie a simple single Topknot on your pet.

I often get asked to "show" my clients how to tie the topknot on the furbabies when they purchase daily grooming bows from us.  And I don't mind at all!  Its really easy once you get the hang of it.  I tried to compile a quick list below to help you, be able to tie your pets topknot on a dailybasis.

Steps to Tying Single Topknot
  1. Gather the hair from the outside corner of the eye to the crown of his head and smooth comb it out. From a bird’s eye view it forms a rounded corners triangle on the crown. For puppies or dogs with shorter hair length at the crown, you’ve to gather part of the hair above his eyes (usually half to three-quarter inches away from each side of the stop – approximately 1 to 1.5 inches width of gathered hair). In this case, it forms a rectangular shape instead of the triangular.
  2. Gently back-comb the gathered hair to add volume. Depends on the length of the hair, if it’s more than six inches long back-comb half way through its length.
  3. Again depend how much puff you want to create, generally about 1.5 to 2 inches from the above of the eyes secure the topknot with a latex band.
  4. Alternatively, you may want to use a perm paper wrapped around the gathered hair before it doubled over and tying the topknot with latex band. This is commonly used on Maltese’s topknots as the paper blends with the coat color, and it also creates a little knot above the bow. This is great for those who fear of breaking the hair way too often. You’ve to precut the wrapper to approximately 1″ by 1.5″ in size.
  5. If the remaining hair bothers one side of your dog’s eye, you’ve to redo by gathering more hair from the crown and tie the knot farther back.
  6. If there is plenty length to play with, you may want to back-comb a few inches from the latex band, doubled over and secure it with another latex band. This is a very gorgeous classic 50s look – almost looks like an extension hair piece.
  7. Smooth out the back-combed area with the wide-toothed comb so that it appears smooth, but still had the shape and volume of a glamorous topknot.
  8. Tie a bow or any decorative hair clips around the latex band.

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